Saturday 21 August 2010

The amazing adventures of Adric

I've always had the impression that the Doctor wasn't really that bothered about Adric really, so I wanted to poke a little fun at that.

Click the image for a larger version.

Tenth Doctor

The Tenth Doctor, a great Doctor in his own right, but his whole era is tainted at the moment by those that are determined to drag on the comparisons between David Tennant and Matt Smith? Just let it go! Move on, change is good for the show and the reason behind it's longevity. Tennant was brilliant in the role but it does begin to grate when we are continually told by the british media he is 'the most popular' or 'best' Doctor EVER! I love all the Doctor's incarnations in one way or another but for me Tennant's version, as good as he was, is not a patch on Tom Bakers version. Matt Smith however, is getting dagerously close after just one series.

Second Doctor

The second Doctor.